How much does a private investigator cost in Melbourne ?
For the majority of private investigation companies, the charges are an hourly rate plus a kilometre rate, and when the job is finished there is a report to be written that can also be charged at an hourly rate.
There are also other charges such as a kilometre rate and an hourly rate to and from the job plus other charges would include a toll parking and any other charges that are occurred on the job.
Beware of low hourly charges
Be aware of the companies that tell you they’re only going to charge $80.00 per hour this is incorrect the true charge is only after they have sent you their last invoice which will include the aforementioned kilometres an hourly rate and reports and other charges.
You should also take note of low charges when it comes to experience, you maybe talking to someone with very low experience in the job who will just waste your money. It takes at least 10 years minimum to become competent at surveillance.

Many private investigators have been in this field for 10 years but only do one job per month, this is not a person you want conducting surveillance on your job. Only engage a private investigator that does it full time and is up to date with surveillance policies and laws as well as competent.
So,when you ask the question how much does a private investigator cost in Melbourne this question can be varied.
Many companies charge different kilometre rates and hourly rates but to give you an idea most companies charge 100 per hour plus kilometres then there is a charge for getting to the job and leaving the job which means they calculate how many kilometres it took to get to the job and how many kilometres it took to get back from the job and then also calculate how long it took.
Kilometre charge on job
So for example if it’s 60 kilometres from the CBD to the job then that would be calculated at Per kilometre.
The cost per kilometre is approximately $1. 50 per kilometre, a total of $90 @60 kilometres.
So then the total for the day would be $90.00 to get to the job and $90.00 to leave the job a total of $180.00.
What does it cost for a report ?
What does it cost for a private investigator in Melbourne to write a report ? It normally takes 2 to 3 hours to do a report so then that’s another $200 to $300.
Surveillance evidence
Other charges for a private investigator in Melbourne would be for photos and video, with most companies the charge for photos would be $1.50 to $2 per photo.
Other miscellaneous Charges
Other charges would include parking and toll charges for the day.
To break it down and to make it simple I’ll give you an example of an 8 hour surveillance job and its charges.
Please note that the charges I’m about to mention are not the charges I charge.
This is an example of what other Private investigation companies charge.
8 hours @$100 per hour. = $800
Parking = $50
Toll. = $50
Written report. = $300
Pictures X 20. = $40
Travel time to job One Hour = $100
Travel time from job One Hour = $100
60 Kilometers to and from job. = $90
60 Kilometers on job = $90
Total = $1620
Pluss GST 10% = $162
Total. = $1782 This is not what we charge, our charge would be $1000
The above is an example of what private investigators charge in Australia.
Most private investigation companies will give you a low hourly rate and then send you an invoice for all the other extra charges as explained above.
They will not give you any of the evidence, photos videos or any information about the job until that invoice is paid.
At Target investigations we keep our charges very simple it’s $1000 for half a day $1400 for a full day.
This includes a full report, it includes kilometres photos videos and any other charges.
These surveillance charges include everything there are no extra charges.
When do you get your evidence?
When we are on the job, we are sending you live photos and videos as it happens so when we have taken the photo we send it to you straight away so you are informed as it happens and you get your evidence up front.
When target investigations does surveillance you do not wait for your evidence it’s as if you’re sitting next to us while we are on the job you are informed of everything as it happens and you are free to speak to us or send us text messages when we are conducting surveillance on your job.
What do we charge for surveillance?
So just a recap of above what we charge for the whole job is $1000 for half a day and $1400 for a full day.
If you buy a full day for eight hours, we can break that up into 4 hour blocks so you can have 4 hours one day and then choose another 4 hours for another day.
This price can be negotiable depending on our workload.
To talk to a private investigator anytime 24 hours a day you can message us on WhatsApp and we will respond instantly on 0405 579 900 or +61405579900
Or +613 90105744
585 Little Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000